Teams and Collaborators
Each PI will co-ordinate a team of senior scientists and research associates, and collaborate with world-leading experts to deliver the project. The computational infrastructure will be hosted in the Department of Computing at Imperial College London, and hardware has been chosen to allow outward-facing and expandable structures.
The Oxford University Team

Sean Fitzgibbon
Neonate resting-state fMRI analysis and pipeline development

Matteo Bastiani
Neonatal and fetal diffusion MRI analysis

Eugene Duff
Fetal and neonate resting-state Functional MRI analysis.

Slava Karolis
Fetal functional MRI analysis

Jelena Bozek
dHCP Structural/Pipelines

Stamatios Sotiropoulos
Diffusion MRI acquisition and processing

Saad Jbabdi
mathematical modelling of diffusion weighted MR
Postmortem Imaging

Rebeccah Slater
Principal Investigator (Prof of Paediatric Neuroscience)

Karla Miller
Principal Investigator (Prof of Biomedical Engineering)

Eleri Adams
Clinical Lead (Neonatal Consultant)

Dominic Wilkinson
Clinical Co-Investigators (Director of Medical Ethics, Neonatal Consultant)
Darren Fowler
Clinical Co-Investigators (Consultant Paediatric and Perinatal Pathologist)

Wenchuan Wu
Physics Lead (Postdoctoral Researcher)

Sebastian Rieger
Physics Co-Investigators (Imaging Support Scientist)
Daniel Papp
Physics Co-Investigators (Postdoctoral Scientist)

Mike Sanders
Lead Radiographer
Chris Gallagher
Technical and Computing Support Officer
Vaneesha Monk
Study Manager (Paediatric Neuroimaging Group Clinical Research Director)

Foteini Andritsou
Research Nurse

Amy Hoskin
Research Nurse

Susan Marchant
Research Nurse
Catarina Santos
Research Nurse
The Imperial College Team

Sarah Parisot
Segmentation and Registration

Jonathan Passerat-Palmbach
Distributed computing, big data and reproducible science

Salim Arslan
Parcellation algorithms with resting state magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI)

Antonios Makropoulos
Structural pipelines for the fetal and neonatal data

Gregor Lenz
XNAT and dHCP webapp development

Jianliang Gao
Post-Doctoral Researcher

Amir Alansary
Applying Machine Learning Models for Medical Image Analysis
John Cupitt

Ahmed Fetit
Machine learning-based processing and analysis of structural MRI
The King's College Clinical Team

Suresh Victor
Consultant Neonatologist

Mary Rutherford
Fetal and Neonatal Neuroradiologist

Serena Counsell
Neonatal image analysis

Tom Arichi
fMRI of the neonatal brain

Katy Vecchiato
Clinical Research Fellow

Joanna Allsop
Superintendent Radiographer

Elaine Green

Laura McCabe
Senior Research Midwife

Suzanne Hiscocks
Research Midwife

Lara Waite
Research Midwife

Chiara Nosarti
Head of Psychology and Outcome Studies

Andrew Chew
Research Psychologist

Shona Falconer
Research Psychologist

Vanessa Kyriakopoulou
Child Development Specialist

Kelly Pegoretti
Research Radiologist

Megan Earl
Research Coordinator

Sharose Hussain
Research Coordinator

Emma Aldrich
Recruiting Assistant

Adrienne Knight
Research Follow Up Coordinator

Nicholas Harper
Clinical Database Manager - Data Entry

Zeshan Rawn
Clinical Database Manager

Veena Supramaniam
Clinical Trials Manager

Rupa Bhundia
Clinical Trial Coordinator

Katie Colford
MRI Research Radiographer

Jakki Brandon
Senior Research Nurse

Louise Dillon
MRI Research Radiographer

Camilla O’Keeffe
Research Nurse

Petra Priebojova
Research Coordinator

Layla Baldo
Admin Assistant
The King's College Methods Team

Jeff Hand
MR safety modelling

Rita Nunes
MR physics

Donald Tournier
Diffusion analysis methods

Shaihan Malik
MR physics

Anthony Price
MR physics

Lucilio Cordero-Grande
Motion-tolerant and advanced image reconstruction

Jana Hutter
MR acquisition and reconstruction for fetal examination

Emer Hughes
Optimisation MRI methods and translation to operational practice - Superintendent Radiographer

Maria Murgasova
Advanced reconstruction and medical image analysis

Giulio Ferrazzi
MR methods and acquisition

Rui Teixeira
MR acquisition and reconstruction

Chris Kelly
Database development and excel guru

Daan Christiaens
Fetal Diffusion MRI

Dafnis Batalle
Brain connectivity and computational models

Emma Robinson
Methods for spatial alignment of cortical surfaces
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour

Christian Beckmann
Analysis of fcMRI

Alberto Llera
Methods development for functional and multi-modal data analyses
Management Team

Giovanni Montana
Mathematics of linking genetic and image analysis
Declan Murphy
Psychiatrist and PI of EU AIMS
Robert Plomin
Neurogeneticist from the Kings College London Genome Centre
Emily Simonoff
Neurodevelopmental assessment
Larry Wald
Senior partner of the HCP and an expert in MR coil design
Former Team Members
Oxford University

Mark Jenkinson
Structural and function-al post-processing pipelines
Imperial College London

Sarah Parisot
Segmentation and Registration

Antonios Makropoulos
Structural pipelines for the fetal and neonatal data
Gregor Lenz
XNAT and dHCP webapp development
King's College London

Amin Alamshah
Project Manager

Devinder Mehet
Clinical Trial Manager

Samira Datoo
Research coordinator

Johannes Stienweg
Clinical Research Fellow

Ellen Mc Donald
Research Coordinator

Ana Dos Santos Gomes

Julia Wurie
Research Nurse
Giulio Ferrazzi
MR methods and acquisition

Ana Gomes
Senior Radiographer

Samira Datoo
Research Coordinator

Ellen McDonalnd
Research Coordinator

Johannes Steinweg
Clinical Research fellow

Beatriz Santamaria
Research Nurse

Christina Malamateniou
Optimisation MRI methods and translation to operational practice

Paul Aljabar
Medical image analysis and machine learning